Thank You, Street Sense Family


By Ashley Strange


Com 392 | Speech Writing

Assignment 4: The Thank You Speech

Write a 1-2 page “thank you” speech.

Description: Like the tribute speech, the Thank You speech is a ceremonial speech. It’s about showing appreciation of others. The audience expects to hear certain ideas. Mention the person(s) you are thanking. Give their names, title, or rank. State why you are thanking them. Be specific. How did the help, guidance, advice, encouragement, you received make a difference in your life or career? What did it mean to you?

Award Ceremony: Thank You, Street Sense Family

April 4, 2016

Good Evening Street Sense Family and Guest. Tonight we honor the many dedicated and homeless people who contribute to our newspaper. Each of them will be receiving awards for their commitment in times of need. There are several individuals of the Street Sense family I would like to thank because, without them, this event would not have been possible. First, I’ll like to thank Colleen, Dottie, Mark, and Ashley who are on the editorial intern team. Although it is not in their internship description, they have devoted their time to helping out by printing countless programs, live tweeting our event setup, conducting on the spot interviews with the homeless honorees, and staying late into the evening last night to help set up decorations. We are truly blessed to have a group of interns like them.

I want to also thank our photographer, John Doe. He has worked very hard to track down each of our homeless honorees to get their photos for tonight. This is not an easy task because it involves searching all over the city during our paper sales times. Finally, I want to thank our wonderful Editor in Chief, Eric Falquero. Since last week, he has worked countless hours and late into the early morning to ensure a successful event, while simultaneously working to make sure that our next Street Sense issue is printed on time. And to everyone who came out to support this event, thank you. Now, our award ceremony will begin.


Author: This practice speech was written by Ashley Strange for Communication 392 Speech Writing Class

About Ashley Strange

I am studying Communications and English at Trinity University In Washington, D.C. I spent five years in the D.C. foster care system after my mother passed. Life for me has always been a struggle. Specifically, school. I thank God that I was able to graduate despite being told I wouldn't. My learning disability seemed to be too much for teachers to handle; so, I was casted away and did not learn much. After entering foster care I began to go to school everyday and managed to graduate with a 2.7 GPA. I consider myself an advocate and an example for foster youth and for those who were told to basically give up. To this day, I find it amazing that I got my High School Diploma, and will soon be a college graduate. My advice to people like me is to never give up and always strive for success!
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